You will find Kinara® delicately grated in 90 g sachets and 1 kg bags. For professionals and enthusiasts, vegetarians and sportspeople like Marco Olmo, this hard cheese produced with vegetable rennet Cynara cardunculus is used to flavour both traditional dishes such as risotto and flans and for the most creative ideas.
The chef Francesco Nusdeo suggests us to prepare an approximately 3 mm thick layer of grated "Kinara®", to bake it at 180 °C and then to break it in crumbles over a simple pasta with Burro 1889.
INGREDIENTS: 300 g Burro 1889, 8 g salt, 120 g grated Kinara®, Yolks of 4 medium eggs, 40g almond flour, 500 g "00" flour, 50 g corn starch, 22 g dried tomatoes.
Mix the Burro 1889 working to make it into a paste with the salt, small pieces of dried tomatoes and the grated Kinara®. Gradually add the egg yolks at room temperature and once all is well mixed, add the almond flour. Then, add the "00" flour together with the corn starch, remember to pass them before into a sieve. Roll about 0.5 cm of the mixture out between two sheets of baking paper and leave it to rest in the fridge for at least 2 hours. Cut the dough into any shapes you like and cook the biscuits in a ventilated oven at 160 °C for about 15-18 minutes.